The 25M Indoor Pool will reopen on Saturday 7th December

We Are Open!

We are back!

Melton Waves Leisure Centre has resumed operations. The following services are open:

  • The gym
  • The pools
  • Learn To Swim program

Our team are excited to welcome back our valued members and families. Until August 11th, there are restrictions in place with a maximum of 100 people allowed in each indoor space. This will be enforced by our staff members who are not included in the total count.

Lap swimming and some aquatic programs may be unavailable at certain times, due to the restrictions imposed. We recommend you check our lane availability online before visiting the centre to avoid disappointment.

During the closure, we automatically put all members on hold free of charge, with memberships being credited for the closure upon reopening. As membership access recommenced as of Wednesday 28 July 2021, you will have had a reduced direct debit on Friday 30 July 2021.

Fitness Passport
Given the significant caps on the numbers of patrons permitted within venues under the current restrictions, Fitness Passport has advised us that they will wait until the further lifting of restrictions before switching their memberships back on. Payments remain on hold until then.

If you have a Fitness Passport membership and wish to resume training, you can pay the casual rate, or alternatively, we are happy to waive the joining fee on our Active membership if you’d like to join us directly. We look forward to welcoming you back!

Learn To Swim:
All learn to swim classes automatically reactivated and resumed as normal from Wednesday, July 28th 2021. Credits have been applied to all students who have missed lessons during the lockdown.

Other important changes:

  • All members and guests over the age of 13 will be required to wear a mask while in the Centre.
  • Masks are not required when participating in strenuous exercise or swimming.
  • Capacities for our classes have been reviewed and adjusted to comply with 4 square meter requirements.
  • All members and guests are required to follow the direction of our staff.
  • Social distancing and hygiene measures must be adhered to when visiting the Cantre.
  • Check in on the Service Victoria app is required upon entry or visit to the centre. The QR code can be found on the entry doors and reception. There is also a manual registration system available at reception if you don’t have your phone.
  • Remember to always use a towel and wipe down equipment before and after use.
  • We ask you to stay home if you have any COVID-19-like symptoms and follow the Victorian Government health advice.

We’ll be sure to keep our members and community in the loop of any updates, so make sure you’re following us on Facebook and Instagram.

Thank you for your patience and support during this lockdown. We cannot wait to see you back at Melton Waves Leisure Centre and supporting your local leisure centre in the future.
