The 25M Indoor Pool will reopen on Saturday 7th December

Welcome To BlueFit Health Club

About us

Don’t Just Join a Gym…Join a Family!

With the mission to Inspire Community Activity, BlueFit Health Club is a warm and friendly fitness facility. We believe that excellent customer service is a critical component of any health club. Our staff and programs are focused on inspiring all members to achieve and exceed their goals, whilst having fun in the process! No matter your age, shape, size or fitness level, we will welcome you to the BlueFit family and provide you with the tools and support to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle!

View more about our health club here!

FIT Journey

The Fit Journey is an innovative 3 step retention system design to ensure our members achieve their goals. We know that success isn’t just about what you do in the gym, it’s also about what happens outside the gym.

Members receive 2 complimentary 30 day passes to share with friends & family. Research shows that having a training buddy not only helps you stay motivated but can also boost results! Most important of all is how you are fuelling your body. In your first appointment, we’ll give you a simple to understand nutrition guide to help you make informed decisions when it comes to what you eat. You’ll also have access to Fitness Outcomes, our partner meal provider.

But the journey doesn’t end there. As a member, you get to meet with your trainer and do a full scan every 6 weeks. So as your goals change, so can your program!

Membership Cards

We will issue you with a new membership card on your first visit.

Group Fitness

All existing programs and timetables will remain in place initially, and any ‘Belgravia owned’ programs will be replaced with similar BlueFit programs. You may notice some instructors will change due to staff availability.

Please check the online group fitness timetable here.
